About RiteCare®
About the Program
In the early 1950s in Colorado, the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry of the Southern Jurisdiction of the United States initiated a program to help children with speech and language disorders. The results obtained from this program led to the establishment of RiteCare clinics to provide diagnostic evaluation and treatment of speech and language disorders, as well as learning disabilities.
Today, there are 178 RiteCare® clinics, centers, and special programs operating or planned for children and therapists located throughout the United States. Each facility is staffed by speech-language pathologists or other trained personnel. Through the support of Scottish Rite members, these clinics, centers, and programs continue to increase. The value of this philanthropy has long been apparent. Tens of thousands of youngsters across the United States have been helped significantly. With the good work of dedicated clinicians and parents, the Scottish Rite has achieved successes that could only be imagined a few years back. Children who might have remained educationally behind for a lifetime can now talk, read, and lead productive lives.
- Funding for the RiteCare® Program provided by the Scottish Rite Foundation, Southern Jurisdiction, USA, Inc., and local Scottish Rite Foundations
- Directory of RiteCare® Clinics, Centers, & Programs
Program Eligibility
As a rule, the RiteCare® Clinics accept preschool children who have difficulty speaking or understanding the spoken word or school-age children who have difficulty learning to read. Some centers also offer literacy training for adults.
Inquiries on age groups and program offerings in specific areas should be addressed to the director of the local Scottish Rite facility. Equally important, all services are available regardless of race, creed, or the family’s inability to pay.
While all children in need are eligible for available RiteCare® Program treatment, please consult with your local facility for specific financial information.
Copyright © 2015 The Supreme Council, 33°, A. & A.S.R. of Freemasonry, S.J., USA
No part of this website may be reproduced without written permission from [email protected].
Contact the JIS Scottish Rite Center
Andy Chapman, 33°
Kenneth Lothridge, 32° KCCH
Kevin S. Mertens, 32° KCCH
Mailing Address:
Scottish Rite Temple
P.O. Box 5776
Greenville, SC 29606-5776
110 Edinburgh Court
Suite B
Greenville, SC 29607-2555
Telephone: (864) 203-3289
Email: [email protected]
Ill. Michael Broom, 33°
Personal Representative of the Deputy
Ill. Edward “Ed” Snow, 33°
General Secretary
Ill. Edward “Ed” Snow, 33°
Kevin Stuart Mertens, 32° KCCH
Directors of Work
Shane Culbertson, 33°
Michael D. Peeler, 32° KCCH
Class Director
Michael D. Peeler, 32° KCCH
Assistant Class Director
Robert C. Griffin, 32° KCCH
Greenville Lodge of Perfection (4° – 14°)
Venerable Master | Joseph Ansel Morgan, Jr. 32° KCCH |
Senior Warden | Ronald Lee Dodson, 32° KCCH |
Junior Warden | James Whitney Barr, 32° KCCH |
Secretary | Edward Dean Snow, 33° |
Treasurer | Kevin Stuart Mertens, 33° |
Prelate | Greely Ray Palmer, Jr., 33° |
Almoner | James Dennis Julian, 33° |
Tiler | Paul Anderson, 32° |
Orator | Robert Clarence Griffin, 32° KCCH |
Master of Ceremonies | Vernon Lee Aultman, 33 |
Expert | William J. Rosser, 33° |
Assistant Expert | George S. Mabry, Jr., 32° KCCH |
Captain of the Host | Michael Heatherly, 32° |
Greenville Chapter of Rose Croix (15° – 18°)
Wise Master | Deane Arthur McKinley, 32° KCCH |
Senior Warden | Aaron Lee Duncan I, 32° KCCH |
Junior Warden | Mark Anthony Irby, Jr. 32° |
Secretary | Edward Dean Snow, 33° |
Treasurer | Kevin Stuart Mertens, 33° |
Prelate | Greely Ray Palmer, Jr., 33° |
Almoner | James Dennis Julian, 33° |
Tiler | Paul Anderson, 32° |
Master of Ceremonies | Patricio Marre’, 32° |
Expert | Johnnie Milton Jones, Jr., 32° KCCH |
Assistant Expert | Terry Stanley Pruitt, 32° |
Standard Bearer | Brad Colson, 32° |
Guardian of the Temple | Michael E. Wiggers, 32° |
Greenville Council of Kadosh (19° – 30°)
Commander of Kadosh | William R. Bryant, Sr., 32° KCCH |
1st Lt. Commander | J. Paul McWilliams, Jr., 32° KCCH |
2nd Lt. Commander | James W. Lyle, 32° KCCH |
Secretary | Edward Dean Snow, 33° |
Treasurer | Kevin Stuart Mertens, 33° |
Prelate | Greely Ray Palmer, Jr., 33° |
Almoner | James Dennis Julian, 33° |
Tiler | Paul Anderson, 32° |
Chancellor | T. Shane Culbertson, 33° |
Master of Ceremonies | Michael D. Peeler, 32° KCCH |
Draper | Timothy John Bates, 32° KCCH |
Turcopolier | William R. Key, 32° |
1st Deacon | William L. O’Neal, 32° |
2nd Deacon | Paul A. Anderson, 32° |
Bearer of Beauceant | David Fiscus, 32° |
Bearer of the White Standard | Daniel Rancourt, 32° KCCH |
Bearer of the Black Standard | Steven Wilson, 32° |
Captain of the Guard | Gerry L. Morgan, 32° KCCH |
Greenville Consistory (31° – 32°)
Master of Kadosh | T. Shane Culbertson, 33° |
Prior | Kenneth R. Quinn, 32° |
Preceptor | Eric S. Ostrander, 32° KCCH |
Secretary | Edward Dean Snow, 33° |
Treasurer | Kevin Stuart Mertens, 33° |
Prelate | Greely Ray Palmer, Jr., 33° |
Almoner | James Dennis Julian, 33° |
Tiler | Paul Anderson, 32° |
Chancellor | Ronnie P. Richards, 32° KCCH |
Minister of State | Edward M. Pool, 33° |
Master of Ceremonies | Anthony “Wayne” Edwards, 32° |
Expert | V.R. Bob Brantley, Jr., 32° |
Assistant Expert | Thomas E. Watson, 33°, DGM |
Captain of the Guard | T. Chase Smithwick, 32° |
Master Craftsman Program
About the Master Craftsman program
The Scottish Rite Master Craftsman (SRMC) program is an exciting, by-mail correspondence course designed and administered by staff at the House of the Temple in Washington, DC, under the guidance and leadership of the Supreme Council, 33°, of the A&A Scottish Rite, Southern Jurisdiction, USA. Currently, three courses and a Group Studies Program constitute the SRMC.
What will you study?
While a Scottish Rite, SJ, member may use Group Studies program at any time, the three courses are meant to be taken in the following order:
- Program I: The Symbolic Lodge will familiarize students with aspects of the development of Blue Lodge Masonry and explore some of its developing symbolism. This will reveal that the “High Degrees” began to develop soon after formation of the Premier Grand Lodge (1717). Albert Pike’s book, Esoterika: The Symbolism of the Blue Degrees of Freemasonry, along with Arturo de Hoyos’s Scottish Rite Ritual Monitor & Guide (3d ed.) will be used to demonstrate a rational and philosophical interpretation for much of what is found in Craft Masonry.
- Program II: Scottish Rite History & Ritual consists of six lessons, utilizing the Scottish Rite Ritual Monitor & Guide by Arturo de Hoyos, 33°, Grand Cross, and A Bridge to Light (4th ed.) by Rex Hutchens, 33°, Grand Cross, as its textbooks.
- Program III: Scottish Rite Philosophy uses Albert Pike’s Morals & Dogma, Annotated Edition, by Arturo de Hoyos, 33°, Grand Cross and returns to the ritual of the Scottish Rite to re-explore it on a deeper level, by looking for the moral lesson imparted in each degree and then applying that lesson to one’s everyday life. The course consists of 33 quizzes, grouped into 10 sections
Upon completion of each course listed above, the participant will be rewarded with a medal or pins to denote multiple completions.The Group Studies program operates differently from the three courses.
Source: The Supreme Council, 33º, Southern Jurisdiction, USA
Knights of Saint Andrew
About the KSA
In early 1993 the late, Ill. Weldon Good, 33rd of the Tulsa Valley in Oklahoma saw a need for assistance during reunions. He also noticed that Masons were joining the Scottish Rite but not returning to help and participate in subsequent reunions. To rectify this he developed the organization now known as the KNIGHTS OF ST. ANDREW as a service group for the valley.
The Knights of St. Andrew meet following regular business meetings.
If you are interested in joining or learning more about the Knights of St. Andrew, please ask any member!
More info can be found at the KSA national website:
Double Eagle Award
What is the Double Eagle Award?
The Double Eagle Award recognizes active members who participate in the various activities and functions of the Greenville Valley. It is available to all members, and the only requirement is your participation.
And it’s so easy! Just keep track of your points, and turn them in!
What Awards are available?
After the first 500 points, you receive the basic medal.
You will receive corresponding bars as you reach each level for additional points earned.
Points Award Levels
You will receive corresponding bars as you reach each level for additional points earned:
Level | Points needed |
Basic Medal | 500 |
Red bar | 2,000 |
White bar | 5,000 |
Blue Bar | 10,000 |
Gold Name Bar | 25,000 |
Emerald Stone | 50,000 |
Ruby Gem | 75,000 |
Diamond Jewel | 100,000 |
Note that points are cumulative.
What Points can I report?
First, determine the points you have earned.
Here is an Excel form you can use to keep track of your points as you earn them:
Points Examples
Use these examples of awarded points as a guide to determine points earned.
Note: The downloadable Excel Worksheet above contains many more examples!
Degree Parts Non-Speaking Parts | Points |
Top Line Signers for New Members | 100 |
2nd Line Signers for New Members | 25 |
Reinstatement | 100 |
Monthly Meetings Attended (per meeting) | 10 |
Attend 5 Meetings and/or Degrees (Bonus) | 100 |
Executive Committee Meeting(s) | 10 |
Presiding Officer (per meeting) | 25 |
Secretary /Treasurer/ Almoner (per meeting) | 10 |
J. I. Smith Board (Chair) | 25 |
J. I. Smith Board (Attend) | 10 |
Knights of St. Andrew Meeting | 10 |
Director of kitchen staff (+10 per hour) | 500 |
Kitchen support (+10 per hour) | 250 |
Director of Work (+10 per hour) | 500 |
Assistant Director (s) of Work (+10 per hour) | 250 |
Class Director & Assistants (+10 per hour) | 250 |
Director of Support Areas (+10 per hour) | 250 |
Asst. Director(s) of Support Areas (+10 per hour) | 250 |
Lighting /Sound /Stage Direction (+ 10 per hour) | 250 |
Degree Parts Masters | 100 |
Degree Parts Major | 75 |
Degree Parts Minor | 50 |
Degree Parts Non-Speaking Parts | 25 |
Reunion Attendance (in Valley) | 10 |
Reunion Attendance (out of Valley) | 25 |
Presiding Officer (per meeting) | 25 |
Secretary /Treasurer/Almoner (per meeting) | 10 |
Master Craftsman Courses 1 & II & III (each) | 500 |
Ceremony of Remembrance & Renewal | 25 |
Presenting ROTC Awards | 100 |
Ring Ceremony / Feast of Tishri | 25 |
Work Parties (per hour) | 50 |
Christmas Tree Sales (per hour) | 50 |
BBQ/Fundraiser (attend) | 10 |
BBQ/Fundraiser (per dollar sold) | 10 |
Fruit Sale (participate) | 10 |
Fruit Sale (per dollar sold) | 1 |
Contribution to Foundation or Event (per dollar) | 1 |
Event Director or Chairman | 100 |
Event Director or Chairman ( per hour) | 10 |
Assistant Event Director or Chairman | 50 |
Assistant Event Director or Chairman (per hour) | 10 |
Report my Points!
Next, report the Points to our Double Eagle Awards Chairman.
Report your Points
Complete this form to report your earned points.
If you need to report more Point entries than this form provides, please submit a second form.
January 2019 Meeting
Join us at 7:15 PM on January 15, 2019 at our next meeting where we will install the new officers for the 2019 year.
December 2018 Meeting
Join us at the December business meeting at 7:15 PM following dinner.
Come join us for fellowship and education. We will be voting on the Officers for next year for their installation in January. We will have the Christmas Tree full of opportunities to select a gift to give the Childhood Center.
November 2018 Meeting
Join us for our for our November Business meeting!
We will announce the 2019 Officer Nominations
Brother Jerry Smith will do an educational presentation.